Laser Jammers Keep you Protected on The Road
When you’re driving, you may occasionally notice a police officer off to the side, pointing a device at passing cars. This is a laser gun fashioned to note the speed of a vehicle and allow officers to catch anyone going above the allotted speed limit. These devices work quickly, so even if you notice an officer using a laser gun, you may not have time to adjust your speed accordingly.
Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with changing speed limits, which puts you at risk for a speeding ticket. There’s nothing worse than getting unexpectedly pulled over, especially with the hefty price of a ticket. That’s where laser jammers come into play! A laser jammer is a device you can install in your vehicle that sends a “no response” error message when a laser gun attempts to scan the speed of the car. This gives you time to adjust your speed and may prevent you from getting pulled over.
How Do Laser Jammers for Cars Work?
It’s important to remember that police laser guns are incredibly accurate. These devices transmit a beam of light on the infrared light spectrum that bounces off your license plate or head light, allowing the device to get an accurate speed reading in milliseconds. Even when traffic is busy, it can narrow down on a single vehicle and clock your speed.
Laser jammers detect the laser coming from law enforcement laser guns; however, instead of the laser transmitting your car’s speed back to the laser gun, the jammer sends its own laser to block the gun from receiving any speed information. Basically, a laser jammer confuses the signals coming from the laser gun, making it incapable of getting an accurate speed reading.
Have a radar detector on your car and hope that’s enough? Radar detectors don’t detect laser guns, only radar guns. Using a laser jammer or shifter alongside a radar detector gives added security measures for your vehicle.
Laser Jammers vs Laser Shifters
Laser jammers and laser shifters are pretty similar, and sometimes these phrases are used interchangeably. Jammers and shifters perform the same task - they both detect and protect against law enforcement laser guns. However, whereas laser shifters are installed on the outside of a vehicle, laser jammers are on the inside.
Maintaining your laser jammer or shifter is imperative to ensuring they function properly. When you are getting your device installed, note whether your vehicle has the firmware updates that a laser jammer requires to work. This technology is always changing, so finding the right device for your vehicle ensures you get the best bang for your buck!
Are Laser Jammers for Cars Legal?
Laser jammers are completely legal on a federal level. It is important to note that laser jammers are prohibited in the states of California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Check to make sure the installation of laser jammers for cars is completely legal in your state!
Where Can You Get a Laser Jammer For Your Car Installed?
Laser jammers aren’t something you should install on your own. The last thing you want is to invest in a laser jammer that doesn’t perform as intended due to improper installation. Professional installation ensures your jammer’s sensors are placed accurately and effectively. Finding a reputable shop is imperative to making sure your jammer works to the best of its ability.
Laser jammers for cars vary in price, but they are roughly in the $600 range. There are advanced options, manufacturing upgrades, and several packages to choose from. Make sure to do your research to decide what works best for your vehicle!
Finding More Information About Car Security Accessories
A respectable audio company can help you with an array of car safety, security, audio, and marine solutions. Find more information on car jammers and other car security needs at an audio company near you. Now that you’re knowledgeable about how laser jammers work, are you ready to get yours installed?